Wednesday, August 31, 2005


"El Grupo" takes on Ireland

Four Catalans, two Poles, one American, one missing rearview mirror, two talismen, dozens of pints and two pairs of Guinness-brand underwear tell the story of "El Grupo's" successful tour of the Emerald Isle.

See the pictures »

Thursday, August 25, 2005


Jumping the Shark

"Jumping the shark is a metaphor used by US television critics since the 1990s. The phrase is used to describe the moment when a television show or similar episodic medium is in retrospect judged to have passed its "peak" and shows a noticeable decline in quality." [read the complete Wikipedia entry]

In other words, when Andy became a character on Family ties, or when Leonardo DiCaprio joined the cast of Growing Pains.

Find "jump the shark" moments from your favorite shows:

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